The Center was founded and known as the General Education Center in 1997, which was restructured and renamed in 2009. In 2020, it was restructured again, given the name of the General Education Center. The General Education Center now has three units, including the Administrative Division, Humanity Education and Development Division and Service-Learning Division. The Center of General Education now respectively belongs to the Liberal Arts Group, the Social Science Research Group, and theNatural Science and Application Science Group, collaborating with the educational idea of Hungkuang University, “people oriented and life caring.” The General Education Center provides many basic, voluntary, and elective General Education courses for students. The basic courses include Literature, Social Ccience, Natural Science, Aesthetics, Physical Education, and Innovation. To meet the needs of students’ interest and departmental requirements, the General Education Center asks to provide specialized and complementary courses in the areas of Natural Science, Social Science, Literatures and Art.
◎1997 (the 86th academic year) →
The General Education Center was established in the 1997 academic year. Its responsibilities include promoting various businesses of general education.
◎2007 (the 96th academic year)→
In 2007 academic year, in order to enhance the effectiveness of the preparation and integration of the General Education curriculum, the university reformed the General Education Center into a first-level academic and administrative division.
◎2009 (the 98th academic year)→
In the 2009 academic year, in order to implement the curriculum of Huangkuang University Innovation Planning, the General Education Center integrated General Education courses and reinforced the cooperation with departments. The General Education Center was then transformed into the College of General Education, followed by the Service-Learning Center and Humanity Education and Development Center as an academic and administrative organization.
◎2015 (the 104th academic year)→
In 2015, in order to enhance the quality of academic research and fulfill social responsibility, Hungkuang University integrated teaching resources, conducted research, provided professional services and set up Cultural Assets and Natural Resources Research Center.
◎2020 (the 109th academic year)→
was renamed as the General Education Center coordinating the plan of general education curriculum
The General Education Center includes Chair of the General Education Center, followed by the Adminstrative Division, Service-Learning Division, Humanity Education and Development Division, and relevant committees which promote affairs in administration, teaching, research and others.